Friday, 22 July 2016

Rook's First TV show announced - Kier-La Janisse's HOUSE OF PSYCHOTIC WOMEN

Based on film critic Kier-La Janisse’s acclaimed memoir of the same name, House of Psychotic Women is the dramatized tale of a 15 year old horror fan named CARLY who is abandoned to the child welfare system in 1980s Winnipeg after attempting to kill herself and one of her parents

The series follows CARLY as she is hurled through a broken system - from lock-ups to foster homes to the much-coveted ‘independent living program’ – attempting to find stability in the dysfunction, and forming ephemeral connections with the troubled youth whose journeys parallel her own. As CARLY is prodded to tell her story in obligatory counselling sessions, her memories are filtered through the terrible but strangely comforting imagery of horror cinema - offering warnings, and in some cases, reinforcements, both metaphorically and stylistically, that will help her transcend her past.